5 Reasons To Celebrate Spring Pregnancies

5 Reasons To Celebrate Spring Pregnancies and births – Any time of the year is great to be pregnant. Morning sickness and expanding waistlines aside, it’s a joyous time of celebration as you nurture and develop your growing child.

That said, with the imminent arrival of the first day of Spring and the gradual easing of restrictions , here are 5 reasons why this season could be one of the better times to be pregnant, and it’s not all about guilt-free Easter eggs.

Fresh air to help nausea

Not everyone suffers with hyperemesis gravidarum or morning sickness as it’s more commonly known. That said, even the mildest bouts of nausea can see you running, well ambling, for the hills! What better season then to get outside and get some fresh air? Spring offers the optimum climate for a brief stroll to alleviate pregnancy sickness, and joint aches and pains.


Exercise is easier


To some degree this one depends on how well you are feeling and how straightforward your pregnancy is, plus of course how motivated you are to exercise! Pregnant or not though, we all know it’s so much easier to exercise when the days feel warmer and lighter. And Spring weather means you can ditch the expensive gym memberships and get outside in the great outdoors. The added bonus is your body is getting more Vitamin D from natural sunlight – particularly important in pregnancy. Keep your sunscreen handy though as your skin may be more sensitive.


The perfect temperature


Pregnancy in the peak of Summer can be pretty uncomfortable. Swollen legs and ankles and hormonal hot flushes can be exacerbated by hot temperatures. Having a new baby in winter months can be tough too as it’s more difficult to get out and about for soothing walks.


Spring (UK weather permitting) just feels easier all round whether you’re pregnant or a new mum.


The world looks better!


Post-baby blues and the effects of sleepless nights can be lifted by beautiful Spring scenery. Everything is new and blooming and it feels a very symbolic time to be bringing home a tiny new baby when all-around there are signs of new life. The weather is great for long walks with the pram and for the growing ranks of baby wearers, it’s a more comfortable climate for carrying a baby close to you.


Less Wardrobe Dilemmas!


Dressing for any stage of pregnancy can be tricksy, but more so as you progress to the latter stages. Spring just feel like an easier time to dress for pregnancy. There’s less pressure to find ‘forgiving’ teeny-weeny shorts and vests to fit your blooming bump. And winter coats that fit over a bump are a practical impossibility.


Spring offers the best of both worlds. Lighter, airier clothing and finer knit sweaters. So many more options to dress for your comfort and your shape too!



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